No one ever thinks about their quadriceps tendon or patella tendon until they have injured them. They are integral to human functioning for walking, climbing, standing up from a chair or the ground, and running. As an orthopedic surgeon, I am privileged to see what unfortunately can happen to someone who tears their tendon. It makes me appreciate the human body so much more when I see the disability of this injury. A quadriceps or patella...
From Crossfit Masters site admin Angela Pause When Angela asked me to write about something related to the Open and Open training, the first thing that came to my mind was, “Can we change the system for Masters in the Online Qualifier ?” But you guys have already surgically dissected that better than any first-year anatomy lab. The second thing that came to my mind in the orthopedic world in which I live in was “overuse”. Overuse,...
Being muscular has to be good for everything right? Sometimes there are side effects to muscular hypertrophy when it has to do with the nerves and arteries that come from your neck and provide sensation and blood flow to your arm. ( Most times when people present to the office complaining of tingling in their fingers, a doctor can detect the cause by taking an excellent history and performing a complete and directed physical...
This post will focus on frozen shoulders as in frozen not moving, not frozen as in cold outside. The most common story is that someone will notice, they can no longer reach above their head, behind their back, or off to their side without severe amount of pain. They have trouble in the shower, drying off, putting on underarm deodorant, and getting dressed. They have trouble at the box pressing or jerking overhead. The basic problem is loss of...
Arthritis is the loss of cushion on a joint surface-period. The cushion called articular cartilage is an amazing multi faceted structure that allows us to walk, run, jump, and lift without pain. Deep to the cushion is bone. If bone is exposed then this causes pain as there are nerve endings in the bone. When bone rubs against bone the joint becomes painful, swollen and stiff. There is no cure for arthritis and treatment is directed towards pain...
Congratulations to all the 2015 competitors! It was an honor to take care of you. Dr. Sean Rockett and fellow medical team members at the 2015 Reebok CrossFit Games. (Image: CrossFit, Inc. All rights reserved.)
The ACL or anterior cruciate ligament is the most important ligament in the knee. When it is completely torn, it can lead to instability or buckling of the knee. Why is it so important? What makes it unique? Why doesn’t it heal? Why do surgeons recommend getting it fixed? Is it necessary to get it fixed if I CrossFit®? Are there things I should avoid in CrossFit and life if I don’t get it fixed? All good questions but let’s check out its...